It was to Timothy, in Ephesus, that Paul wrote his letter warning against false teaching. Given the context his warnings were well-deserved. Throughout history, the church has been characterized by a male-dominated social hierarchy. This worldview has been so pervasive that some even consider it to be “God’s created order.” In light of the prevalence…
Theodora, Praxedes, and the Role of Christian Women in Ancient Rome
Yeah, that sounds a lot like a dissertation title, but the images of women in Roman mosaics from the second through ninth centuries in Rome, as well as art on early Christian sarcophagi suggest tha… Source: Theodora, Praxedes, and the Role of Christian Women in Ancient Rome
A Short History of Ordination (Part I) – Memory, Meaning & Faith
A Short History of Ordination (Part I) by Darius Jankiewicz With few exceptions, most contemporary Christians consider ordination a legitimate rite of setting selected members apart for the purpose of pastoral ministry and oversight in the Christian Church. It is also generally assumed that the rite finds its foundations in the Old and New Testaments.…
Hashtag about Christian women unleashes torrent of emotions | Religion News Service
(RNS) A popular hashtag shows the divide between men and women in some churches. Source: Hashtag about Christian women unleashes torrent of emotions | Religion News Service
Vatican unveils frescoes in Catacombs of Priscilla with paintings of FEMALE PRIESTS | Daily Mail Online
Suggestions that the frescoes, found in the Catacombs of Priscilla of Rome, show female priests have been dismissed by the Vatican as sensationalist ‘fairy tales’. Source: Vatican unveils frescoes in Catacombs of Priscilla with paintings of FEMALE PRIESTS | Daily Mail Online
Who framed Mary Magdalene? |
How the first witness to Christ’s Resurrection was made into a prostitute, and how women today are restoring their reputation. Source: Who framed Mary Magdalene? |
Tomb of the Unknown Priests | National Catholic Reporter
Source: Tomb of the Unknown Priests | National Catholic Reporter Tomb of the Unknown Priests Nicole Sotelo | Nov. 11, 2011> Today marks the 90th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Having been killed during World War I in France, his unidentified body was interred at Arlington Cemetery outside of Washington, D.C., to…